
Over time - interactive

Descriptive statistics over time can be found:

Descriptive statistics

Patients (last post)
Variable % missing SwedeHF % missing SwedeHF Case NPR Control SwedeHF Control NPR
n 131296 243213 423092 388841 782402
ncontrols 0.0 2.0 [1.0, 2.0] 0.0 2.0 [2.0, 2.0] 2.0 [2.0, 2.0] 0.0 [0.0, 0.0] 0.0 [0.0, 0.0]
Time in hospital at index hospitalization (days)1 64.7 5.0 [3.0, 9.0] 68.2 5.0 [3.0, 9.0]
Index year1 0.0 2016.0 [2011.0, 2021.0] 0.0 2016.0 [2011.0, 2020.0] 2011.0 [2005.0, 2016.0] 2014.0 [2010.0, 2018.0] 2010.0 [2005.0, 2016.0]
Type of visit Index1 0.0 76002 (57.9) 0.0 132567 (54.5)
LVEF (%)1 82.0 40.0 [30.0, 50.0] 82.4 40.0 [30.0, 45.0]
LVEF (%)1 21.0 18.6
    ≥50 27080 (26.1) 44258 (22.4)
    40-49 25940 (25.0) 47953 (24.2)
    30-39 26777 (25.8) 53900 (27.2)
    <30 23906 (23.1) 51853 (26.2)
LVEF (%)1 21.0 18.6
    HFrEF 50683 (48.9) 105753 (53.4)
    HFmrEF 25940 (25.0) 47953 (24.2)
    HFpEF 27080 (26.1) 44258 (22.4)
Sex Male1 0.0 81474 (62.1) 0.0 156846 (64.5) 226530 (53.5) 244108 (62.8) 409105 (52.3)
Age (years)1 0.0 77.0 [69.0, 84.0] 0.0 76.0 [67.0, 82.0] 80.0 [71.0, 87.0] 75.0 [67.0, 82.0] 79.0 [70.0, 86.0]
Civil status Single1 27.5 42011 (44.1) 27.0 73713 (41.5)
Living conditions Own home1 41.7 72630 (94.9) 41.2 137784 (96.3)
Location In-patient1 0.0 46307 (35.3) 0.0 77457 (31.8)
Smoking1 27.2 23.9
    Current 10233 (10.7) 19722 (10.7)
    Former 41979 (43.9) 83063 (44.9)
    Never 43349 (45.4) 82202 (44.4)
Smoking1 27.2 10233 (10.7) 23.9 19722 (10.7)
Alcohol Risk1 41.4 3381 (4.4) 37.8 6402 (4.2)
Duration of HF (months) ≥61 2.7 78710 (61.6) 2.5 146331 (61.7)
Primary etiology1 39.2 38.4
    DCM 5171 (6.5) 12041 (8.0)
    Heart valve disease 6248 (7.8) 10910 (7.3)
    Hypertension 20746 (26.0) 37413 (25.0)
    IHD 30194 (37.8) 58995 (39.4)
    Known alcoholic cardiomyopathy 532 (0.7) 1066 (0.7)
    Other 16923 (21.2) 29290 (19.6)
NYHA class1 28.6 24.6
    I 13051 (13.9) 23403 (12.8)
    II 43789 (46.7) 89091 (48.6)
    III 33426 (35.6) 65573 (35.7)
    IV 3514 (3.7) 5375 (2.9)
NYHA class III-IV1 28.6 36940 (39.4) 24.6 70948 (38.7)
Killip class1 94.0 95.5
    Chock or hypertension 19 (0.2) 41 (0.4)
    Edema 209 (2.7) 285 (2.6)
    No signs of HF 3678 (46.7) 5348 (48.6)
    Rales or crackles 3974 (50.4) 5338 (48.5)
Weight (kg)1 14.5 77.6 [66.2, 90.0] 13.3 79.0 [68.0, 92.0]
Weight at admission/visit (kg)1 31.8 78.0 [66.8, 90.8] 35.0 79.5 [68.0, 92.0]
Weight at discharge   (hospitalized patients) (kg)1 94.4 75.4 [63.9, 88.5] 95.8 77.0 [65.2, 90.2]
Height (cm)1 29.6 172.0 [165.0, 179.0] 24.2 173.0 [165.0, 180.0]
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)1 4.5 125.0 [110.0, 140.0] 3.9 125.0 [110.0, 140.0]
Systolic blood pressure at admission/visit (mmHg)1 22.8 125.0 [111.0, 140.0] 26.9 125.0 [111.0, 140.0]
Systolic blood pressure at discharge   (hospitalized patients) (mmHg)1 93.5 125.0 [111.0, 140.0] 95.2 124.0 [110.0, 140.0]
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg)1 4.4 70.0 [65.0, 80.0] 3.8 70.0 [65.0, 80.0]
Diastolic blood pressure at admission/visit (mmHg)1 22.7 72.0 [65.0, 80.0] 26.8 72.0 [65.0, 80.0]
Diastolic blood pressure at discharge   (hospitalized patients) (mmHg)1 93.5 72.0 [65.0, 80.0] 95.2 72.0 [65.0, 80.0]
Mean arterial pressure (mmHg)1 4.4 90.0 [81.7, 99.3] 3.8 90.0 [81.7, 98.7]
Mean arterial pressure (mmHg) >901 4.4 59534 (47.4) 3.8 110609 (47.3)
Heart rate (beats/min)1 7.0 71.0 [62.0, 82.0] 6.2 70.0 [62.0, 81.0]
Heart rate at admission/visit (beats/min)1 24.6 71.0 [63.0, 83.0] 28.6 71.0 [62.0, 82.0]
Heart rate at discharge   (hospitalized patients) (beats/min)1 93.8 74.0 [65.0, 85.0] 95.3 74.0 [65.0, 85.0]
Heart rate (beats/min) >701 7.0 62063 (50.8) 6.2 113881 (49.9)
Hemoglobin (g/L)1 9.5 132.0 [119.0, 144.0] 9.5 133.0 [120.0, 145.0]
Hemoglobin at admission/visit (g/L)1 27.7 132.0 [119.0, 145.0] 32.1 134.0 [121.0, 146.0]
Hemoglobin at discharge   (hospitalized patients) (g/L)1 95.9 119.0 [106.0, 135.0] 96.9 122.0 [108.0, 137.0]
Anemia1 9.5 43147 (36.3) 9.4 74508 (33.8)
Potassium (mmol/L)1 18.3 4.2 [3.9, 4.5] 16.9 4.2 [3.9, 4.5]
Potassium at admission/visit (mmol/L)1 32.2 4.2 [3.9, 4.5] 35.0 4.2 [4.0, 4.5]
Potassium at discharge   (hospitalized patients) (mmol/L)1 94.3 4.0 [3.7, 4.3] 95.7 4.0 [3.7, 4.3]
Potassium (mmol/L)1 18.3 16.9
    3.5-5 (Normakalemia) 98417 (91.8) 187190 (92.6)
    <3.5 (Hypokalemia) 4537 (4.2) 7279 (3.6)
    >5 (Hyperkalemia) 4285 (4.0) 7614 (3.8)
Sodium (mmol/L)1 31.4 140.0 [138.0, 142.0] 31.1 140.0 [138.0, 142.0]
Sodium at admission/visit (mmol/L)1 41.7 140.0 [138.0, 142.0] 44.2 140.0 [138.0, 142.0]
Sodium at discharge   (hospitalized patients) (mmol/L)1 94.5 140.0 [138.0, 142.0] 95.9 140.0 [138.0, 142.0]
Creatinine (µmol/L)1 3.8 97.0 [79.0, 125.0] 3.5 96.0 [79.0, 122.0]
Creatinine at admission/visit (µmol/L)1 22.3 95.0 [78.0, 121.0] 26.6 94.0 [77.0, 118.0]
Creatinine at discharge   (hospitalized patients) (µmol/L)1 94.3 99.0 [78.0, 133.0] 95.7 97.0 [78.0, 127.0]
eGFR (mL/min/1.73 m²)1 3.5 63.0 [45.3, 82.8] 3.2 64.8 [47.2, 84.0]
eGFR (mL/min/1.73 m²) <601 3.5 57761 (45.6) 3.2 101326 (43.0)
NT-proBNP (pg/mL)1 41.0 1908.0 [724.0, 4602.0] 40.2 1812.0 [716.0, 4196.0]
NT-proBNP at admission/visit (pg/mL)1 50.1 1810.0 [682.0, 4315.0] 51.7 1709.0 [669.0, 3921.0]
NT-proBNP at discharge   (hospitalized patients) (pg/mL)1 97.7 3681.5 [1653.8, 8593.2] 98.2 3388.0 [1530.0, 7540.0]
BNP (pg/mL)1 96.2 586.0 [224.0, 1352.5] 95.8 529.0 [203.0, 1242.0]
Transferrin saturation (%)1 84.8 24.0 [17.0, 33.0] 85.4 25.0 [17.0, 33.0]
Ferritin (µg/L)1 82.7 143.0 [71.0, 269.0] 83.4 143.0 [71.0, 265.0]
QRS width (ms)1 22.2 104.0 [91.0, 134.0] 22.2 106.0 [92.0, 136.0]
Left Bundle Branch Block (LBBB)1 22.8 17584 (17.3) 23.0 34788 (18.6)
Loop diuretic IV1 77.8 6826 (23.4) 78.0 9640 (18.0)
Ferric carboxymaltose IV1 49.6 3705 (5.6) 50.8 6233 (5.2)
Ferric carboxymaltose IV dose (mg)1 97.3 1000.0 [1000.0, 1000.0] 97.6 1000.0 [1000.0, 1000.0]
Unplanned inotrope support1 46.4 1416 (2.0) 48.0 3772 (3.0)
Diuretic1 0.6 97144 (74.4) 0.5 180927 (74.7)
Loop diuretic1 23.7 70551 (70.5) 23.7 130817 (70.5)
Loop diuretic substance1 68.5 70.2
    Bumetanid 278 (0.7) 422 (0.6)
    Furosemid 40902 (98.9) 71806 (99.0)
    Toresamid 182 (0.4) 306 (0.4)
Loop diuretic dose (mg/24h)1 56.3 40.0 [40.0, 80.0] 56.1 40.0 [40.0, 80.0]
Loop diuretic usage When necessary1 46.4 15887 (22.6) 46.3 29789 (22.8)
ACEi1 0.5 59533 (45.6) 0.4 115746 (47.8)
ACEi dose (mg/24h)1 54.7 10.0 [5.0, 15.0] 52.5 10.0 [5.0, 15.0]
ARB1 1.0 36376 (28.0) 0.8 71105 (29.5)
ARB dose (mg/24h)1 72.3 32.0 [12.5, 50.0] 70.8 32.0 [12.5, 50.0]
ARNi1 48.4 11531 (17.0) 49.8 21431 (17.5)
ACEi/ARB/ARNi1 1.1 105685 (81.4) 0.9 204591 (84.9)
Beta-blocker1 0.5 112821 (86.3) 0.3 213270 (88.0)
Beta-blocker dose (mg/24h)1 14.3 25.0 [5.0, 100.0] 12.5 25.0 [5.0, 100.0]
MRA1 0.8 52972 (40.7) 0.6 100969 (41.8)
MRA dose (mg/24h)1 70.4 25.0 [25.0, 25.0] 70.3 25.0 [25.0, 25.0]
Digoxin1 0.5 15924 (12.2) 0.4 29920 (12.4)
Platelet inhibitor1 0.6 48691 (37.3) 0.4 90156 (37.2)
Oral anticoagulant1 0.5 62570 (47.9) 0.4 119716 (49.4)
Statin1 0.5 62239 (47.6) 0.4 121678 (50.2)
Nitrate1 0.6 15941 (12.2) 0.5 28684 (11.8)
SGLT2i1 76.5 16712 (54.2) 80.7 24348 (52.0)
SGLT2i dose (mg/24h)1 87.3 10.0 [10.0, 10.0] 90.0 10.0 [10.0, 10.0]
Sinus node inhibitor1 50.4 296 (0.5) 52.1 607 (0.5)
Device therapy1 1.2 1.5
    No 107045 (82.5) 193346 (80.7)
    Pacemaker 12046 (9.3) 21990 (9.2)
    CRT-P 2493 (1.9) 5248 (2.2)
    CRT-D 3944 (3.0) 9419 (3.9)
    ICD 4163 (3.2) 9539 (4.0)
Device therapy CRT/ICD1 1.2 10600 (8.2) 1.5 24206 (10.1)
Chest X-ray1 39.9 38.6
    No 23182 (29.4) 46008 (30.8)
    Normal 18844 (23.9) 35260 (23.6)
    Pulmonary congestion 10169 (12.9) 17553 (11.7)
    Cardiomegaly 12278 (15.6) 24341 (16.3)
    Pulmonary congestion & cardiomegaly 14372 (18.2) 26263 (17.6)
Diabetes1 9.0 21793 (18.2) 8.4 42621 (19.1)
Diabetes1 25.0 24.5
    No 78747 (79.9) 145792 (79.4)
    Type I 1498 (1.5) 2670 (1.5)
    Type II 18292 (18.6) 35065 (19.1)
Hypertension1 2.2 74390 (57.9) 2.0 135513 (56.9)
Atrial fibrillation/flutter1 0.6 68053 (52.2) 0.6 124178 (51.3)
Lung disease1 2.0 22546 (17.5) 1.9 40401 (16.9)
Valve disease1 3.2 25076 (19.7) 3.2 46211 (19.6)
Dilated cardiomyopathy1 4.3 12438 (9.9) 4.4 28668 (12.3)
Revascularization1 2.8 33915 (26.6) 3.0 67232 (28.5)
Valve surgery1 1.9 8571 (6.7) 2.1 16526 (6.9)
ECG rythm1 8.5 8.1
    Sinus 61073 (50.8) 114461 (51.2)
    Atrial fibrillation 44721 (37.2) 80484 (36.0)
    PM/Other 14360 (12.0) 28469 (12.7)
Follow-up referral HF nurse clinic1 9.6 67597 (56.9) 6.8 149167 (65.8)
Follow-up referral speciality1 7.6 5.3
    Hospital 73801 (60.8) 151600 (65.9)
    Primary care 42527 (35.1) 70952 (30.8)
    Other 4977 (4.1) 7653 (3.3)
Follow-up referral speciality Hospital1 7.6 73801 (60.8) 5.3 151600 (65.9)
QoL EQ-5D1 66.6 70.0 [50.0, 80.0] 65.1 70.0 [50.0, 80.0]
QoL EQ-5D1 66.6 65.1
    0-25 1999 (4.6) 3631 (4.3)
    26-50 10864 (24.8) 20410 (24.1)
    51-75 17693 (40.4) 34748 (41.0)
    76-100 13252 (30.3) 25973 (30.6)
Fatigue1 57.3 55.4
    At rest 3347 (6.0) 5665 (5.2)
    At moderate effort 14974 (26.7) 27922 (25.8)
    At more than moderate effort 28031 (50.0) 56514 (52.2)
    Unaffected 9759 (17.4) 18264 (16.9)
Out of breath1 56.8 55.0
    At rest 1778 (3.1) 2831 (2.6)
    At moderate effort 16415 (28.9) 30715 (28.1)
    At more than moderate effort 29374 (51.8) 59144 (54.0)
    Unaffected 9171 (16.2) 16765 (15.3)
Mobilty1 56.7 55.0
    Bedridden 652 (1.1) 929 (0.8)
    Some problem 25214 (44.3) 45942 (42.0)
    No problem 31019 (54.5) 62555 (57.2)
Hygiene1 57.1 55.4
    Can't wash and clothe 1070 (1.9) 1494 (1.4)
    Some problem 6341 (11.3) 10305 (9.5)
    No problem 48869 (86.8) 96721 (89.1)
Main activities1 57.3 55.6
    Can't do 2770 (4.9) 4434 (4.1)
    Some problem 14801 (26.4) 27180 (25.2)
    No problem 38437 (68.6) 76394 (70.7)
Pain1 59.1 57.2
    Severe 3420 (6.4) 6100 (5.9)
    Moderate 24197 (45.1) 46814 (45.0)
    None 26063 (48.6) 51192 (49.2)
Anxiety/Depression1 60.8 58.9
    Severe 2196 (4.3) 3910 (3.9)
    Moderate 18783 (36.4) 36213 (36.2)
    None 30553 (59.3) 59869 (59.9)
BMI (kg/m²)1 37.6 26.3 [23.3, 30.2] 32.2 26.7 [23.6, 30.5]
BMI (kg/m²) ≥301 37.6 21533 (26.3) 32.2 46197 (28.0)
Age (years)1 0.0 0.0
    <70 35535 (27.1) 74944 (30.8) 92641 (21.9) 125513 (32.3) 182923 (23.4)
    70-80 45907 (35.0) 89695 (36.9) 126149 (29.8) 148749 (38.3) 247192 (31.6)
    >80 49854 (38.0) 78574 (32.3) 204302 (48.3) 114579 (29.5) 352287 (45.0)
Previous HFH < 1 year12 0.0 71533 (54.5) 0.0 125975 (51.8) 287418 (67.9) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
Atrial fibrillation/flutter12 0.0 77385 (58.9) 0.0 140804 (57.9) 186715 (44.1) 26067 (6.7) 51643 (6.6)
IHD12 0.0 69045 (52.6) 0.0 129462 (53.2) 191822 (45.3) 50546 (13.0) 105663 (13.5)
Hypertension12 0.0 89864 (68.4) 0.0 163366 (67.2) 218334 (51.6) 83462 (21.5) 148198 (18.9)
Diabetes12 0.0 35817 (27.3) 0.0 66979 (27.5) 96547 (22.8) 31970 (8.2) 57760 (7.4)
Valve disease12 0.0 34649 (26.4) 0.0 63760 (26.2) 64209 (15.2) 7756 (2.0) 13744 (1.8)
Country of birth3 0.0 0.0
    Sweden 112782 (85.9) 207034 (85.1) 370470 (87.6) 338661 (87.1) 696077 (89.0)
    Europe 14219 (10.8) 27671 (11.4) 42128 (10.0) 37015 (9.5) 66678 (8.5)
    Other 4292 (3.3) 8503 (3.5) 10483 (2.5) 13134 (3.4) 19597 (2.5)
Children3 0.0 109929 (83.7) 0.0 203482 (83.7) 350591 (82.9) 329159 (84.7) 655083 (83.7)
Marital status Single/widowed/divorced3 0.1 71010 (54.1) 0.1 126939 (52.2) 246572 (58.4) 183021 (47.1) 415640 (53.2)
Family situation Living alone3 0.1 65880 (50.2) 0.1 116595 (48.0) 232400 (55.0) 168465 (43.4) 391440 (50.1)
Education3 2.0 1.9
    Compulsory school 54780 (42.6) 98733 (41.4) 206723 (51.1) 145478 (38.1) 345737 (46.0)
    Secondary school 50807 (39.5) 96407 (40.4) 140379 (34.7) 147188 (38.5) 263230 (35.0)
    University 23039 (17.9) 43351 (18.2) 57768 (14.3) 89225 (23.4) 142250 (18.9)
Disposable income (100 SEK)3 0.1 1607.0 [1266.0, 2193.0] 0.1 1620.0 [1276.0, 2236.0] 1370.0 [1058.0, 1790.0] 1659.0 [1273.0, 2484.0] 1411.0 [1063.0, 1969.0]
Duration of HF (days)2 0.0 307.0 [17.0, 1734.0] 0.0 336.0 [20.0, 1866.0] 0.0 [0.0, 101.0]
Time since last HF hospitalization (days)2 43.0 25.0 [0.0, 312.0] 42.9 29.0 [0.0, 352.0] 0.0 [0.0, 0.0]
Location2 0.0 0.0
    HF in-patient 30437 (23.2) 52980 (21.8) 287418 (67.9)
    Other in-patient 17026 (13.0) 26259 (10.8) 13888 (3.3)
    Out-patient 83833 (63.9) 163974 (67.4) 121786 (28.8)
Hypertension2 0.0 78237 (59.6) 0.0 140966 (58.0) 218334 (51.6) 83462 (21.5) 148198 (18.9)
Diabetes2 0.0 34289 (26.1) 0.0 63765 (26.2) 96547 (22.8) 31970 (8.2) 57760 (7.4)
Ischemic heart disease2 0.0 67708 (51.6) 0.0 126796 (52.1) 190206 (45.0) 50213 (12.9) 105225 (13.4)
Myocardial infarction2 0.0 49397 (37.6) 0.0 92697 (38.1) 130322 (30.8) 27023 (6.9) 54342 (6.9)
Angina pectoris2 0.0 23770 (18.1) 0.0 45290 (18.6) 77064 (18.2) 15462 (4.0) 35090 (4.5)
PCI2 0.0 25772 (19.6) 0.0 50287 (20.7) 47533 (11.2) 16449 (4.2) 23714 (3.0)
CABG2 0.0 33232 (25.3) 0.0 65348 (26.9) 66035 (15.6) 20004 (5.1) 29756 (3.8)
Dilated cardiomyopathy2 0.0 11213 (8.5) 0.0 25905 (10.7) 13653 (3.2) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
Peripheral artery disease2 0.0 12548 (9.6) 0.0 21898 (9.0) 34585 (8.2) 10077 (2.6) 19203 (2.5)
Atrial fibrillation/flutter2 0.0 72003 (54.8) 0.0 130554 (53.7) 186715 (44.1) 26067 (6.7) 51643 (6.6)
Stroke2 0.0 20359 (15.5) 0.0 35032 (14.4) 70443 (16.6) 33723 (8.7) 77574 (9.9)
TIA2 0.0 4615 (3.5) 0.0 8124 (3.3) 15554 (3.7) 8387 (2.2) 17947 (2.3)
Stroke/TIA2 0.0 23199 (17.7) 0.0 40138 (16.5) 79974 (18.9) 39439 (10.1) 89746 (11.5)
Valvular disease2 0.0 27285 (20.8) 0.0 49504 (20.4) 64209 (15.2) 7756 (2.0) 13744 (1.8)
Renal failure2 0.0 22766 (17.3) 0.0 38328 (15.8) 49733 (11.8) 7028 (1.8) 11963 (1.5)
Hyperkalemia2 0.0 2972 (2.3) 0.0 5123 (2.1) 4709 (1.1) 602 (0.2) 1053 (0.1)
Hypokalemia2 0.0 3921 (3.0) 0.0 6421 (2.6) 9887 (2.3) 2081 (0.5) 4185 (0.5)
Dialysis2 0.0 1316 (1.0) 0.0 2194 (0.9) 4472 (1.1) 646 (0.2) 1037 (0.1)
COPD2 0.0 18139 (13.8) 0.0 32305 (13.3) 51046 (12.1) 10677 (2.7) 19834 (2.5)
Pneumonia/Flue/Respiratory infection2 0.0 47426 (36.1) 0.0 84347 (34.7) 151625 (35.8) 36288 (9.3) 72916 (9.3)
Liver disease2 0.0 3076 (2.3) 0.0 5564 (2.3) 7976 (1.9) 2682 (0.7) 4201 (0.5)
Obstructive sleep apnea2 0.0 5992 (4.6) 0.0 11855 (4.9) 10754 (2.5) 5489 (1.4) 7039 (0.9)
Dementia2 0.0 3217 (2.5) 0.0 4128 (1.7) 18786 (4.4) 13965 (3.6) 36473 (4.7)
Depression2 0.0 4901 (3.7) 0.0 8669 (3.6) 15516 (3.7) 8932 (2.3) 17272 (2.2)
Malignant cancer within 3 years2 0.0 17684 (13.5) 0.0 31033 (12.8) 54656 (12.9) 43065 (11.1) 79738 (10.2)
Muscoloskeletal/connective tissue diseases within 3 years2 0.0 42672 (32.5) 0.0 77289 (31.8) 124143 (29.3) 77650 (20.0) 137793 (17.6)
Alcohol abuse2 0.0 4304 (3.3) 0.0 7896 (3.2) 10905 (2.6) 5620 (1.4) 8426 (1.1)
Severe bleeding2 0.0 26017 (19.8) 0.0 45062 (18.5) 72078 (17.0) 26954 (6.9) 53037 (6.8)
Charlson Comorbidity Index2 0.0 3.0 [2.0, 4.0] 0.0 3.0 [1.0, 4.0] 2.0 [1.0, 4.0] 0.0 [0.0, 2.0] 0.0 [0.0, 2.0]
Charlson Comorbidity Index age-adjusted2 0.0 6.0 [5.0, 8.0] 0.0 6.0 [4.0, 7.0] 6.0 [5.0, 7.0] 4.0 [2.0, 5.0] 4.0 [3.0, 5.0]
Charlson Comorbidity Index2 0.0 0.0
    0-1 31969 (24.3) 62378 (25.6) 116632 (27.6) 283820 (73.0) 581741 (74.4)
    2-3 52454 (40.0) 99073 (40.7) 179391 (42.4) 83214 (21.4) 161696 (20.7)
    4-7 41110 (31.3) 72399 (29.8) 114013 (26.9) 20289 (5.2) 36410 (4.7)
    ≥8 5763 (4.4) 9363 (3.8) 13056 (3.1) 1518 (0.4) 2555 (0.3)
Heart failure hospitalization2 0.0 35847 (27.3) 0.0 88583 (36.4) 154521 (36.5) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
Number of heart failure hospitalizations2 0.0 0.0 [0.0, 1.0] 0.0 0.0 [0.0, 1.0] 0.0 [0.0, 1.0] 0.0 [0.0, 0.0] 0.0 [0.0, 0.0]
Any hospitalization2 0.0 90973 (69.3) 0.0 180540 (74.2) 336727 (79.6) 233844 (60.1) 528242 (67.5)
CV hospitalization2 0.0 59706 (45.5) 0.0 129778 (53.4) 239030 (56.5) 80064 (20.6) 190918 (24.4)
Non-CV hospitalization2 0.0 73691 (56.1) 0.0 146058 (60.1) 280667 (66.3) 210453 (54.1) 478550 (61.2)
Stroke/TIA hospitalization2 0.0 9772 (7.4) 0.0 19129 (7.9) 43120 (10.2) 34197 (8.8) 86779 (11.1)
Myocardial infarction hospitalization2 0.0 6670 (5.1) 0.0 14237 (5.9) 36231 (8.6) 12763 (3.3) 32840 (4.2)
Ischemic heart disease hospitalization2 0.0 11710 (8.9) 0.0 27034 (11.1) 58352 (13.8) 18550 (4.8) 45642 (5.8)
Ventricular fibrillation/tachycardia hospitalization2 0.0 1602 (1.2) 0.0 4944 (2.0) 5331 (1.3) 280 (0.1) 623 (0.1)
Pneumonia/Flue/Respiratory infection hospitalization2 0.0 22320 (17.0) 0.0 45615 (18.8) 96521 (22.8) 36187 (9.3) 88652 (11.3)
Pneumonia hospitalization2 0.0 14956 (11.4) 0.0 30752 (12.6) 63889 (15.1) 27257 (7.0) 66827 (8.5)
Renal failure hospitalization2 0.0 7815 (6.0) 0.0 16694 (6.9) 28497 (6.7) 5895 (1.5) 11926 (1.5)
Malignant cancer hospitalization2 0.0 9373 (7.1) 0.0 17382 (7.1) 37916 (9.0) 43452 (11.2) 99197 (12.7)
Severe bleeding hospitalization2 0.0 18992 (14.5) 0.0 38523 (15.8) 71480 (16.9) 39678 (10.2) 91287 (11.7)
Hyperkalemia hospitalization2 0.0 813 (0.6) 0.0 2039 (0.8) 3114 (0.7) 305 (0.1) 618 (0.1)
Hypokalemia hospitalization2 0.0 413 (0.3) 0.0 1015 (0.4) 1578 (0.4) 726 (0.2) 1480 (0.2)
Syncope hospitalization2 0.0 3099 (2.4) 0.0 7207 (3.0) 13159 (3.1) 7720 (2.0) 19196 (2.5)
Trauma hospitalization2 0.0 17150 (13.1) 0.0 33655 (13.8) 72554 (17.1) 53453 (13.7) 145902 (18.6)
Coronary revascularization2 0.0 4212 (3.2) 0.0 10582 (4.4) 20177 (4.8) 10766 (2.8) 19832 (2.5)
Death2 0.0 75141 (57.2) 0.0 131849 (54.2) 326980 (77.3) 148054 (38.1) 443581 (56.7)
CV death2 0.0 43797 (33.4) 0.0 78681 (32.4) 190988 (45.1) 45367 (11.7) 155540 (19.9)
Non-CV death2 0.0 31344 (23.9) 0.0 53168 (21.9) 135992 (32.1) 102687 (26.4) 288041 (36.8)
Hospitalization or death Sudden cardiac death2 0.0 64 (0.0) 0.0 118 (0.0) 357 (0.1) 113 (0.0) 572 (0.1)
Composite CVD/HFH2 0.0 60779 (46.3) 0.0 121798 (50.1) 261346 (61.8) 45367 (11.7) 155540 (19.9)
Composite Death/HFH2 0.0 82530 (62.9) 0.0 152709 (62.8) 351416 (83.1) 148054 (38.1) 443581 (56.7)
Patients have different follow-up times, this means that outcomes can not be interpreted directly from the table.
Categorical variables are presented with n (%) and continuous variables with median [q1-q3].
1 Source: SwedeHF
2 Source: NPR
3 Source: SCB