- This is the first version. Consists only of SwedeHF.
Changed name from kidney to renal (sos_com_kidney, sos_out_hospkidney, sos_outtime_hospkidney).
Changed ICD codes for HF (R57 to R570), affects variables sos_out_counthosphf, sos_outtime_hospcv, sos_out_hospcv, sos_outtime_hosphf, sos_out_hosphf, sos_out_deathcv, sos_out_deathnoncv, sos_out_deathcvhosphf, sos_out_deathhosphf, sos_timeprevhosphf, sos_durationhf, sos_out_hospnoncv, sos_outtime_hospnoncv, sos_location (all minor changes n < 100).
Changed ICD codes for sos_com_dementia (added R54) (minor change n = 35).
Changed ICD codes for sos_com_valvular (added Q230-3, Q235-9) (minor change n = 11).
Changed ICD codes for sos_out_hosprespiratory (added so all J) (major change n = 11282).
Added sos_com_respiratory.
Added HF population from NPR and HF-free controls.
Added categorical variable for Charlson Comorbidity Index and QoL.
Added shf_sos_prevhfh1yr.
Changed so levels of shf_potassium_cat starts with capital letter.
shf_age_cat 3 levels (previously 2)
Removed shf_eforg, shf_bmiimp, shf_bmiimp_cat
Added shf_fatigue, shf_outofbreath, shf_mobility, shf_hygiene, shf_activities, shf_pain, shf_anxiety
Excluded 3 patients with fu time = 0
Added data on discharge and admission labs in rsdatafull
shf_durationhf changed names of levels
1-4 values changed in shf_durationhf, shf_primaryetiology, shf_diabetes, shf_sos_com_diabetes, shf_diabetestype, shf_af, shf_valvedisease, shf_lungdisease, shf_dcm due to different order of selection
Approx 100 changes in shf_height, shf_bmi, shf_bmi_cat due to imputation of bmi prior to cleaning outliers
sos_deathcause set to missing for patients with sos_out_death = No (patients who died > 2021-12-31)
Changes in number of patients for NPR HF, controls (NPR pop and SwedeHF) in rsdatafull due to SweeHF controls now also for patients died in-hospital, and linked hospitalizations used for defining the population and controls.
- changed labels for shf_durationhf (removed mo). Added months as unit to metadata
- follow-up until 2023-12-31
- Swedehf cohort until 2023-12-31
- minor changes for variables for existing patients due to changes in data sources (SwedeHF, NPR, CDR)
- minor changes in HF-free controls and NPR HF population due to changes in data sources (SwedeHF, NPR, CDR)
- changed labels of shf_potassium_cat
- modifications to Charlson Comorbidity Index
- changed ICD/OP codes for sos_com_renal, sos_com_dialysis
- removed sos_out_hosprenal, added sos_out_hosprenalacute and sos_out_renalendstage
- created long dataset for all heart failure hospitalizations